7 Tips to Consider Prior to Getting a Tattoo
1. Is the tattoo artist experienced? This is perhaps the most important thing to consider before hiring any one particular tattoo artist.
2. Will the tattoo image be as important to you in the future as it is right now? For instance, if your tattoo will be in celebration of a love interest, are you absolutely certain that person will be there 10, 20 or even 50 years from now?
3. Why do you want to get the tattoo?
4. Are you prepared to deal with possible consequences that may arise out of getting a tattoo? This may include an infection or severe soreness of the skin at the site of the tattoo.
5. Do you have a design in mind? If you don't, stop by the local tattoo parlor and ask to see some samples of what is available.
7. Do you have a fear of needles? If you do, tattoos may not be for you. There is no other way to say it, but getting a tattoo is painful. It does involve needles and you should really consider your level of tolerance before signing up for a tattoo.
Can you afford the cost associated with surgery? The only way to remove a tattoo is through surgery, which can be very expensive. Unless it is for medical reasons, most health insurance policies will not cover the cost of a tattoo removal. This means that the patient will often find themselves with 100% of the financial responsibility and, before getting a tattoo, you should make sure that you will be financially able to handle any future medical procedures that are associated with a tattoo.
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